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We create opportunities for young people to grow in confidence explore new possibilities and thrive.

Go! Youth Trust is a Christian charity that supports young people to grow, explore and thrive. Working across Central Scotland with young people aged 10-25, we are passionate about helping young people get the best start in life.

For some this simply means having somewhere to go and feel safe, for others this means having a conversation every week with a positive role model while others need help gaining qualifications in an environment which is tailor made to ensure they can achieve their potential.

Whatever young people are looking for they can find the support they need at Go! Youth Trust to make an impact in the world.

  • Volunteering

  • Young People
    Supported Each Year

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We’re here for you

We are passionate about supporting young people between the ages of 10 and 25 – dive in to find out more.

  • Impact Stories

    Jason Featured Image


    School was hard for Jason.  Everyday he struggled with distractions and could easily feel his emotions getting the better of him.  This made for a difficult few years for Jason as he dealt with suspensions and not getting to enjoy the things he liked most about school.

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  • Impact Stories

    Heather Featured Image


    Heather grew up attending Go! Youth Trust after school clubs and holiday programmes.  When she moved onto Secondary School Heather decided to volunteer for the charity to ensure that children got all of the experiences she enjoyed as a child.


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  • Impact Stories

    Harvey Featured Image


    Harvey was struggling to deal with Primary school and found himself in a downward spiral.  Thankfully, his teacher made a referral to Go! Youth Trust to have him paired with Penny one of our volunteer mentors and things started to change.

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  • Impact Stories

    Maureen Featured Image


    Maureen began volunteering with Go! Youth Trust in 2018 when she started coming along to the after school club at Langlees Primary School. After hearing about more of our programmes through friends, she decided to become a mentor as well.

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  • Impact Stories

    Zach Featured Image


    Zach was having trouble maintaining relationships with pupils and teachers while at school.

    This led to Zach’s school attendance being really poor and, when he did attend, he would often find himself struggling and getting angry.  Zach’s mum had been sending him along to Go! Youth Trust residentials and drop-ins since we was at Primary School and asked if he could join our mentoring programme.

    Since being matched with his mentor, Ethan, Zach’s life is slowly being transformed.  He is achieving qualifications that he never thought would be possible and has learned new coping mechanisms to deal with some of the tougher situations that he experiences.

    Watch Zach’s story below!

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